Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Leopard Man questions

9. Why is Tom Leppard called “Leopard Man”?
Because he has leopard spots printed over 90 percent of his body and has teeth like a leopard.

10. What does the author think about people with tattoos and piercings? why does he have these opinions?

11. How is Leopard Man different from other tattooed and pierced people?

12. Where does Leopard Man live?

13. According to Feys, what kind of people does society fear? Why?

14. . What is the “world’s most common but dangerous psychological disorder?” Explain

Feys argument in this paragraph.

15. Why is Leopard Man so happy?
Leopard man is so happy because he is away from the pressures that society has to offer

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lit Analysis Response

Book: The Giver 
Author:  Lois Lowry

Part 1: The exposition starts out with Jonas and explains the setting. The setting is taken place in the future where everything is strict and you can't really do much. Rising actions are when Jonas starts his training and begins to open his mind to other realizations such as color. Another few rising actions are when Jonas realizes and learns about feelings such as love. The climax is when Jonas breaks into the nurturing center and takes Gabriel, who was going to be released, and has the chief chase after him. Falling actions are when Jonas tries to survive in the wild with Gabriel.
Part 2: The main theme of the novel are either the importance of memory or the importance of the individual. The author chose to write about this because she wanted to show how important it is to remember certain things and show you how great it is being yourself by showing a society where everything is the same and people aren't really given a choice.
Part 3: The protagonist is a round character because later in the book you got to see other different characteristics about Jonas. For example, like how he is brave and he believes in what he thinks is right.
Part 4: A symbol would be freedom from clothing. In the book it showed Larissa, an old woman, being bathed by Jonas. In society it was against the rules for children or adults to look at another naked. It didn't apply to new children or the old. Being free from clothing is a symbol because it is like being free from society's code.
Part 5: I chose this book because it seems like everyone has read it and there is even a movie about it. I wanted to keep reading because it's not like other books that I have read.
Part 6: I think the whole strictness on everything being the same is kind of like that in today's society. We're told to be ourselves yet society is acting like being yourself is weird and you get shunned, or others trying to be the same as others.
Part 7: "We really have to protect people from the wrong choices." I will remember this for a long time because today we get to make our own choices, choices that may effect us for the rest of our lives. In the book, people aren't allowed to because society doesn't get the have a choice to choose a 'wrong' choice.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Antigone questions

1. What kind of prize is given for dancing choruses of worshippers?
The prize is a bull or a goat.

2. How many spectators would gather in the open-air theatre of Dionysos?
Fourteen thousand spectators would gather at Dionysos.

3. How does the mask affect the voices of the actors?
The mask affects the voices because they had exaggerated mouth pieces to amplify the actors voice

4. Why was Antigone suspenseful to viewing audiences?
Suspense came from their knowledge of things that the characters on stage don't know.

5. How is the shepherd to leave the infant on the mountainside?
He left the infant with a Corinthian Shepard to raise the infant.

6. What is the riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus?
"What creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?" is the riddle that was given to Oedipus.

7. Who are Oedipus’ kids?
Antigone, Ismene, Etcocles, and Polynecies.

8. After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?
After he was exiled, Creon took over.

9. What did the family do to the dead body?
Decided that Polynecies is a traitor and so they didn't bury him, but left him to be eaten by scavenging animals.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Antigone Quickwtrite

I would bury my brother because it is a tradition to bury your loved ones in a certain fashion. Plus, my Uncle doesn't even know the real things behind the situation- so I wouldn't stand it if I wasn't able to give my favorite brother a proper burial.
I plan to go ask a few trusting family members if they want to help out with the burial. If no ones up for it, then I will go behind my Uncle's back and sneak a private funeral for my brother someplace remote. It will be between my brother and I if it has to be.
If I was found by my Uncle and he asked about the burial, I would totally lie. If I was still accused even though I lied, I wouldn't care because I gave my brother the proper burial. If I get executed, I will haunt my Uncle for the rest of his miserable life.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives

  1. bon, boun
  2. capit, capt
  3. carn(i)
  4. ced(e), ceed, cess
Word List
  1. accession: the attainment of a certain rank or dignity, an increase by means of something added. Sent- an accession of the throne
  2. bona fide: in good faith. Sent- a bona fide statement of intent to sell.
  3. bonanza: a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches. Sent- The play proved to be a bonanza for its lucky backers.
  4. bounteous: inclined to be generous. Sent- The bounteous goddess of the god.
  5. capitulation: a surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions.
  6. carnage: a great slaughter.
  7. carnivorous: flesh-eating.
  8. incarnate: in the flesh.
  9. intercede: to act on another s behalf
  10. precedent: a previous act or decision taken as a valid model.
  11. recapitulation: a brief repetition.
  12. reincarnation: a thing that is reborn.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Literature Analysis #1

 The novel The Book Thief by Markus Zusak first starts out in a small town in Germany.It is taken in the point of view of Death, and a little girl named Liesel Meminger who loses her family in World War II, goes to live with her foster family. The book is taken place to the time where they were experiencing the holocaust with the Nazi Party and etc. As the story goes on Liesel starts to develop her own identity, starts to learn the value of words as Germany moves towards war and helps her foster family hide a man named Max, a Jew. Later in the novel, Liesel starts writing a book and learns to move on when something life changing happens.

I chose the book because of the title and that I vaguely remember it from the movie. Who wants to steal books? What's the significance of the books in the story and what's the importance of it? Once I began reading I had to keep going because it really shows the importance of words and what they mean. Shows the struggles a girl in Germany had to go through to just read a book, while now I can probably go buy one for a few bucks at a store, Liesel had to go steal one.

I did find the book realistic. It made connections to the Holocaust that I read about and went to The Museum of Tolerance in eighth grade for a field trip. It mentioned the whole segregation with the Nazis and Jews and how the worst thing to be is a Jew.

The authors tone was mostly sadness or tragedy. In the novel it started out with the tragic event with Liesel's family being killed in the War in the beginning of the movie. There was also the time where Hans was taken away to war and L

Some personification,, "Twenty-three minutes later, when the train stopped, I climbed out with them. A small soul was in my arms." Death, a thing, is personified. He does not just happen, but actively taking away souls

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Myth: Perseus and Medusa

  • Main Characters: The main characters are Perseus and Medusa. 
Perseus is tall, handsome with brown hair, muscular and human.

Medusa is a Gorgon and has snakes as her hair and is like a serpent type thing with a tail and such.
  • Setting is taken place first at a place called Arogos. Then the setting changes to an island where Perseus and his mom land from being sent out to sea.
  • The main plot of the myth is that Perseus and his mother are sent out to sea and they land on an island. The king of the island, Polydektes, wanted Perseus' mother to himself, but in order to have her, he needed to get rid of Perseus. So he sent him for Medusa's head. Perseus managed to do that and saved the love of his life, Andromeda.
  • The main conflict would be the king, Polydektes. He wanted Perseus' mom and he was the one who sent Perseus onto the mission.
  • The myth attempts to explain that the power of love can make you do anything. Perseus went out to the dangerous mission for his mother, and he battled the huge monster for Andromeda.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives

  1. anni, annu, enni
  2. aqua, aque
  3. arm
  4. art
Word List
  1. aqua: the hue of the sea; bluish-green. Sent- The sea had an aqua color.
  2. aquaculture:the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food. Sent- People back then practiced aquaculture as a way of getting food.
  3. aqueous: a like or form by water; watery. Sent- the spaghetti was quite aqueous.
  4. armada: a fleet of warships. Sent- the army sent an armada during the war.
  5. armature: any protective clothing; an armlike extension.  sent- in order to be in football, all players must have all armature in order to participate.
  6. armistice: a temporary agreement to end hostilities, like a peace treaty. sent- the armistice was declared on November 11th.
  7. artifact: any object produced by the human hand; objects from the past. Sent- There are a lot of artifacts kept in museums.
  8. artifice: clever or sly trickery. Sent- He had a smirk just dripping with artifice.
  9. artisan: a person skilled with craft. Sent- He wanted to become an artisan when he grew up.
  10. millennium: a period of peace and prosperity. Sent- There was a small millennium until someone started another fight.
  11. perennial: Year after year. Sent-  her perennial beauty.
  12. superannuated: worn out; retired. sent- he had superannuated ideas.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

August 26 Journal

       A hero is having the courage to do what's right and to be able to have people look up to them. Heros in modern movies can be anyone no matter what size or gender and that they develop enough courage to face their fears and to do what's right. These portrayals are different than the classic ones or ancient ideas because the ancient ones are always big and tall and most of them are male. They also have same type of inhuman power role in the most temples or something while the ones today can be anyone from the street or they're rich or middle class. they also have good intellect.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Purpose of Myth Review

1) Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address.
  • Whats's the nature of the universe?  
  • How do I relate to that universe? 
  • How much control do I have over my own life? 
  • What must I do in order to survive?

2) Name 4 themes in world mythology.
  • God
  • God of Earth
  • God cycle of life
  • Flood
3) What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?
  • A chaotic, formless mass that a god or pair of gods separate.

4)What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?
  • Teaches its members the appropriate attitudes, behavior, and values of that culture.
5) Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?
  • They share the same imperfections.

6) What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?
  • Great Goddess, Mother Goddess and the population.

7) What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?
  • The expression of an individuals fears, unconscious wishes and drives.

8) Myths demonstrate that people possess...

  • The intellectual capacity to understand the world they live in.

Latin Roots

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul
  1. Agenda: a list or plan of things to be done in the future. Sent- Did you check the agenda to see if your homework is done?
  2. agile: quick and easy of movement or thought. Sent- T- rexes are not agile  in movement.
  3. alienate: to make someone unfriendly. Sent- bullies tend to alienate their victim as time progresses.
  4. altercation: a heated or angry argument. Sent- During school people may run into altercations from time to time.
  5. amiable: generally friendly, pleasant, and nice to be around. Sent- I like to make an amiable first impression.
  6. amorous: suggestive of love, lovemaking, or sexual desire. Sent- My friend wanted to see his crushes reaction when she read the amorous letter.
  7. animated: filled with life and spirit. Sent- people make animated cartoons for a living.
  8. equanimity: calmness or evenness of mind and spirit. Sent- My friend regained her equanimity.
  9. inalienable: that which cannot be taken away or transferred to someone else. Sent- these are inalienable laws
  10. inanimate: not alive. Sent- an inanimate object is a rock.
  11. magnanimous: high-minded; free from pettiness. Sent- Girls can go from royally petty to magnanimous.
  12. reactionary: characterized by  ideas suggesting a desire to move backward, especially in matters related to politics. Sent- There are some signs of a reactionary movement in the art of fiction.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Traits Essay

Birth Order Traits Related to Me

Many things have been researched about the birth order traits. I will be telling whether or not the research applies to me. Some traits apply to me in good ways, bad ways, or isn't accurate at all as the youngest child.  
To start with, there are some traits that apply to me in a positive way. For example, when I was younger, I would need to be able to talk to others, like teachers, to get the help I needed. This is a good trait to have because I will need to be able to talk to other people in the future. Another example would be when I would try and sell a few things at a yard sale and be able to get people to buy things. This shows how the trait charming would fit in because I was able to use it to tell a few things while fundraising. I would say that the traits peoples person and charms apply to me.
Additionally, the research also suggest that I am somewhat absentminded and temperamental. For example, I would forget things like chores or homework and maybe something really important. This shows the trait absentminded because absentminded is when you are forgetful and I admit that I am forgetful at times. Another example would be when I would be doing my homework and then my mom would ask me to do this or that and that and I would snap at her because I’m already doing something.This shows that I can be temperamental at times. Both traits absentminded and temperamental apply to to me.  
Furthermore, research shows careers that both do or do not apply to me.  For example, when i was really young I would have lemonade stands or sell at least something during a yard sale.  This shows the career of being salesman because I was able to get people to buy stuff.  Another example would be getting nervous when I would the the paper bag challenge in AVID because it would make us go up in front of everyone and talk about ourselves. This shows that being in the show business isn't accurate because  I have bad stage fright. The career saleswoman would apply but being in show business would not.Admittedly, some of the research is accurate to me as the youngest child. I think that people's personalities aren't explained through research. Looking at all the research makes me look at how everyone is different/ Some traits may apply to one person but the same may not apply to another.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traits

Untitled document
What the research says
Evidence Showing Accuracy or Inaccuracy
I have my moments where I may snap at my mother or may just be a little irritated. I don’t have such a bad temper though. It depends on how I feel about the day. I don’t usually snap at anyone. I’ll just hide it or think about what I say before I open my mouth.
People Person
I do think that I am able to be a people person, but I prefer not to talk to people as much. I know that I will have to be able to talk to my peers and others in order to do well in school such as collaboration projects, so I try to do my best in helping others if it is needed.
People do say that I am charming and/or that I have a charm. I guess I do because I try to make very good first impressions.
Somewhat Absentminded
I’ll have to admit that I am somewhat forgetful of things I need to do. I would forget to clean my room or do some homework or do some chores.
Shows Off
I disagree on this. I don’t show off anything, but it’s not like I have anything to show off. I believe that I should treat others the same way I would like be treated and I wouldn’t want someone to be so snobbish with me.
The Career: stage/show business
I don’t see myself as being on stage as my job. I can barely handle being sung happy birthday at my birthday party and being in front of a big crowd. I don’t like being the center of attention. I have thought about doing stuff related to this just to “get out of my shell.”

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reflections on week 1

~Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? Access to a computer?  Mobile/smart phone?  Transportation?  Friends/family? Schedule?
*Nothing really unless I get sick or ill or something.

~Think of an awesome best ever learning experience that changed you. What did you learn? Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or remember, or think?) How did you know what was happening?
*In eighth grade, I went on a field trip to the Museum of Tolerance. I learned a lot about the Holocaust and many about history. For example, how the way Anne Frank lived in hiding. What she saw, what she did, what she thought about. My classmates and I went through the museum and even got to learn about a particular person and their past. It taught me to think about how much the world has changed and that I shouldn't be so mad about something that happens to me, and think about solutions instead of being all mad and pouty.

~What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning?  How do you think it can/will make a practical difference in your life?

*I'm more concerned about getting behind in all the work and not being able to do and/or show my best with the assignments. What I look forward to in learning is gaining some more knowledge in that particular area or subject or whatever I'm learning about. I think it will make a difference in my life because I will need this knowledge for when I go to college and to help out my colleagues.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Six words

My six words are "Hard times will reveal true friends." I chose these six words because I feel like everyone says that they will be there for you but when something happens they aren't. People may have many friends but you can have many many friends and not any close friends. When you have a few close friends, I'd rather have that than many friends that I'm not close to.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

How School Kill Creativity Reflection

I do feel like that I am just a cog in the model of education.The system is so strict on the academic part that it makes me just as tired mentally than I do physically. Ever since I can remember I have been taught to always try to exceed regular expectations and to not fail. I think that my English class would probably be the same since I can't imagine a class as different as the usual write a billion essays and study a lot kind.