Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lit Analysis Response

Book: The Giver 
Author:  Lois Lowry

Part 1: The exposition starts out with Jonas and explains the setting. The setting is taken place in the future where everything is strict and you can't really do much. Rising actions are when Jonas starts his training and begins to open his mind to other realizations such as color. Another few rising actions are when Jonas realizes and learns about feelings such as love. The climax is when Jonas breaks into the nurturing center and takes Gabriel, who was going to be released, and has the chief chase after him. Falling actions are when Jonas tries to survive in the wild with Gabriel.
Part 2: The main theme of the novel are either the importance of memory or the importance of the individual. The author chose to write about this because she wanted to show how important it is to remember certain things and show you how great it is being yourself by showing a society where everything is the same and people aren't really given a choice.
Part 3: The protagonist is a round character because later in the book you got to see other different characteristics about Jonas. For example, like how he is brave and he believes in what he thinks is right.
Part 4: A symbol would be freedom from clothing. In the book it showed Larissa, an old woman, being bathed by Jonas. In society it was against the rules for children or adults to look at another naked. It didn't apply to new children or the old. Being free from clothing is a symbol because it is like being free from society's code.
Part 5: I chose this book because it seems like everyone has read it and there is even a movie about it. I wanted to keep reading because it's not like other books that I have read.
Part 6: I think the whole strictness on everything being the same is kind of like that in today's society. We're told to be ourselves yet society is acting like being yourself is weird and you get shunned, or others trying to be the same as others.
Part 7: "We really have to protect people from the wrong choices." I will remember this for a long time because today we get to make our own choices, choices that may effect us for the rest of our lives. In the book, people aren't allowed to because society doesn't get the have a choice to choose a 'wrong' choice.

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