Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives

  1. anni, annu, enni
  2. aqua, aque
  3. arm
  4. art
Word List
  1. aqua: the hue of the sea; bluish-green. Sent- The sea had an aqua color.
  2. aquaculture:the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food. Sent- People back then practiced aquaculture as a way of getting food.
  3. aqueous: a like or form by water; watery. Sent- the spaghetti was quite aqueous.
  4. armada: a fleet of warships. Sent- the army sent an armada during the war.
  5. armature: any protective clothing; an armlike extension.  sent- in order to be in football, all players must have all armature in order to participate.
  6. armistice: a temporary agreement to end hostilities, like a peace treaty. sent- the armistice was declared on November 11th.
  7. artifact: any object produced by the human hand; objects from the past. Sent- There are a lot of artifacts kept in museums.
  8. artifice: clever or sly trickery. Sent- He had a smirk just dripping with artifice.
  9. artisan: a person skilled with craft. Sent- He wanted to become an artisan when he grew up.
  10. millennium: a period of peace and prosperity. Sent- There was a small millennium until someone started another fight.
  11. perennial: Year after year. Sent-  her perennial beauty.
  12. superannuated: worn out; retired. sent- he had superannuated ideas.

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