Monday, January 26, 2015


I believe that knowledge is when you have information, or skills on a certain thing or subject. 

 I gain knowledge outside of school from my family, observing, or just going out and experiencing new things. Can get some knowledge from experiences with traveling with family and other things as well. 

Obtaining knowledge is important because with knowledge comes power. For example, an uneducated society would bring no questions to authority. With no questions to authority, you are easily manipulated. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Do you believe in equal rights for men and women? Opinion piece

Yes. I believe in equality for both men and women. I hear stories where girls, at a young age, are taught that "men are superior" and should control everything that happens within a household. My mother saw this as wrong and wanted me to be strong and independent young lady.

Sexism is still here today. It can be at school, work, or at home. It can be verbal, physical, mental. For example, a female student  is trying to run for president of the school against a male student. They both do what they can for the part, but let's say that the female student did things such as rallys and speeches.
In the end, the male student won because students believe that she isn't meant for a 'leading role'.
Because she's female.

Another example of sexism would be when a married couple are getting a divorce. Say they have children, and both are fighting for custody. Both parents have jobs, great environment for children, and etc.
It is more likely that the woman would get custody because society believes that women are more capable of raising children and that the children should be with their mothers. What about the fathers?

I believe that we shouldn't judge whether or not someone is capable of doing something based off their gender. It's like saying someone's snobby or a prep based off the way they dress. Society should be blind to gender, and treat everyone equal. Some Males would say that they're tired of women playing the victim of certain situations, or that women aren't be treated as equally as men, but it is the same the other way around.

Have you ever heard of "EOE"? It stands for Equal Opportunity Employers. It is against the law to not hire someone based on their gender, sex, or disability.

I think that speaks for itself.